Category: UW System

2013-15 Biennial Budget

Governor Scott Walker delivered his budget address last night with few surprises. Most of the budget details had been released to the press over the past ten days. A transcript of the budget speech is here, and video is here. The…

Special Task Force on UW Restructuring Update

The Senate Committee on Universities and Technical Colleges will meet tomorrow in an informational hearing to discuss the report on the Special Task Force on UW Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities. The task force, which was chaired by Regent Michael Falbo,…

A Few Details About State Budget Emerge

Governor Scott Walker announced yesterday that he plans to invest almost $100 million in workforce development. Some items that affect the University of Wisconsin System: $20 million for programs relating to economic and workforce development, including efforts to improve affordability.…

Journal Sentinel on UW System’s Flex Option

Today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel features a front page article about the University of Wisconsin System’s new Flexible Option. The article examines the role of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Cources) in the flex degree and notes that students may use MOOCs…

Regents to Meet February 7 & 8

The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents will meet Thursday and Friday, February 7 and 8, in a regularly scheduled meeting. Full board meetings are held in Room 1820 in Van Hise Hall. On Thursday morning, the regents will hear…

PolitiFact on UW System Faculty Salaries

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and PolitiFact Wisconsin recently examined a statement by University of Wisconsin System President Kevin Reilly asserting that “faculty salaries at UW System institutions have now fallen more than 18 percent below the national average.” Reilly made…

University of Wisconsin System Budget Request

The Legislative Fiscal Bureau released the Overview of State Agency Major Request Items Wednesday. The University of Wisconsin System budget request is part of the document. As reported earlier this year, System’s budget request is modest — a 1.9 percent…

Regent Update

The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents took action on several items last week, including raising the cap on non-resident students at UW-Madison, increasing the pay range for chancellors at UW-Madison and UW-Eau Claire, and approving UW-Madison’s HR Design plan. On…

December Regents Meeting

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents will meet at UW-Madison today and tomorrow, December 6 and 7. A full agenda of the meeting is here. Webcast archives of the meetings are here. Interim Chancellor David Ward addressed the…

UW System Flexible Degree Program to Begin in Milwaukee Next Year

Governor Scott Walker and University of Wisconsin System President  Kevin Reilly provided more details about UW System’s Flexible Option degree program at a press conference in Milwaukee yesterday. The program was announced earlier this year, but with few details. Many…