Month: April 2020
Regent Executive Committee to Meet to Discuss Creation of Employee Furlough Policies

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents Executive Committee will meet at 2:30 pm today to discuss granting UW System President Ray Cross and UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Black the authority to create policies and procedures relating to employee furloughs in response to the immense budget pressures due to COVID-19:
“The University of Wisconsin System is facing increased fiscal challenges as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. As a result, the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents, under the authority granted to the Board in Wis. Stats. s. 36.115, is being asked to modify Regent Policy Document 20-21 to authorize the UW System President and the UW-Madison Chancellor to create furlough policies. The furlough policies will provide options in addition to the other workforce reduction and cost saving measures, to address these financial challenges in a way that minimizes layoffs and maximizes the UW System’s ability to continue to perform its critical educational and outreach mission.”
The meeting will be webcast live here.