Details About 2011-13 Budget Emerge

While the 2011-13 state budget has not yet been introduced, some details have emerged. Notably, Walker intends to balance the $3.6 billion budget deficit without raising taxes or increasing fees.

On Sunday, Walker appeared on UpFront with Mike Gousha and confirmed that he will cut state aids to K-12 schools and local governments by $1.3 billion (a 9 percent cut to schools). School districts also face a $500 cut to the per pupil spending limit and tight caps on property taxes. La Follette School of Public Affairs professor Andrew Reschovsky writes in a February 25, 2011 working paper that school districts will face reductions of 6-7.2 percent in revenue limits.

The budget proposal will also include an approximate $250 million cut to UW System, with UW-Madison shouldering much of the burden. Walker has said he supports increased flexibility for UW-Madison and he is expected to transform the campus into a public authority. Chancellor Biddy Martin has said that flexibility is a necessary tool to deal with deep budget cuts. Walker also said on UpFront that he would also consider giving flexibility to other campuses in the future.