Tag: UW System

Governor Walker Proposes Additional 2-Year Tuition Freeze

Governor Scott Walker announced Friday morning that he would propose an additional two-year freeze on University of Wisconsin System tuition. The governor said his proposal was a direct result of the recent disclosure that UW System will finish the fiscal year with about $1 billion in reserve. Last year, the governor called for a two-year tuition freeze after the university was found to have just over $1 billion in reserve.

The governor’s plan came as a surprise as the UW System Board of Regents met for a second day in a regularly scheduled meeting. UW System President Ray Cross responded quickly, saying that he will continue his work with the governor and legislature while thoughtfully and judiciously managing and explaining UW System resources. Cross told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel he had discussed the possibility of a one-year extension of the tuition freeze with the governor’s staff about a month ago, but the conversation had been casual.

The Regent Audit Committee and Budget and Finance Committee met Thursday morning and revealed cash balance projections for FY 2013-14. UW System will finish the year with almost $1.1 billion in reserve, about half coming from tuition.

UW System officials say that about 80 percent of the funds are committed on some level (see below). UW-Madison’s share of the reserve is about $600 million, and Cross told the Journal Sentinel that UW-Madison is among the handful of campuses that could survive three to four years on cash balances without implementing major budget cuts.

fy 2013-14 reserves

Senate Committee on Universities and Technical Colleges to Vote on Classified Research Bill

Inside CapitolThe Senate Committee on Universities and Technical Colleges will hold an executive session today to vote on Senate Bill 578, a proposal that would allow classified research on University of Wisconsin System campuses. A System administrative policy currently prohibits such research.

The bill will go to the Senate on April 1 if approved today. An amended version of companion bill (AB 729) passed the Assembly February 20. The original bill included language that would allow exemptions to the state’s open records law, but that language was removed after Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee Chair Representative Stephen Nass (R-Whitewater) said he would not schedule a vote on proposal if it included the exemption.

PROFS worked with the authors of the legislation and is registered in favor of the bill. This statement was given to the senate committee at a public hearing on March 5.

The committee will also vote on several appointments to the UW System Board of Regents and Wisconsin Technical System Board. Governor Scott Walker announced three regent appointments last week and named UW-Madison student Nicolas Harsy to a two-year term as the non-traditional student regent yesterday.

Senate Committee to Discuss Bill Allowing Classified Research on Campus

The Senate Committee on Universities and Technical Colleges will meet at 11 am tomorrow, Wednesday, March 5 in Room 400 Southeast of the State Capitol to discuss legislation (SB 578 and AB 729) that would allow classified research on University of Wisconsin System campuses. A UW System administrative policy currently prohibits such research.

The original bills included language that would allow exemptions to the state’s open records law, but that language was removed after Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee Chair Representative Stephen Nass (R-Whitewater) said he would not schedule a vote on proposal if it included the exemption. The open records provision was removed and an amended version of AB 729 passed the Assembly on February 20.

PROFS worked with the authors of the legislation and is registered in support of the bill. PROFS supports the legislation because it ensures faculty will have a say in any decisions regarding classified research on campus and some faculty have expressed interest in doing classified research.

Legislative Committee to Vote on Bill Allowing Classified Research on Campus

The Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee will meet at 9 am Tuesday, February 18 in Room 328 Northwest of the of the State Capitol to vote on three bills, including one that would allow classified research on University of Wisconsin System campuses. A UW System administrative policy currently prohibits such research.

A public hearing on Assembly Bill 729 was held last week. Committee chair Representative Stephen Nass (R-Whitewater) expressed concern over the portion of the bill that would allow exemptions to the state’s open records law and said he would not schedule a vote on the bill until the provision was removed.

Representative Mike Kuglitsch (R-New Berlin), the bill’s primary sponsor, agreed to remove the provision (Assembly Amendment 1 to AB 729), and the committee will vote on the amended bill tomorrow.

PROFS worked with the authors of the legislation and is registered in support of the bill. PROFS supports the legislation because it ensures faculty will have a say in any decisions regarding classified research. Additionally, some faculty have expressed an interest in doing more classified research. 

ETA 2/18/14: The amended bill was approved by the committee with little discussion.

Bill Would Allow Classified Research on Campus; Public Hearing Today

Assembly Bill 729, a bipartisan proposal to allow classified research on University of Wisconsin System campuses, was introduced last week and referred to the Assembly Committee on Colleges and Universities.

The bill, authored by State Representative Mike Kuglitsch (R-New Berlin), would limit classified research contracts to those related to national security issues. Additional criteria would also have to be met for the research to take place and each chancellor would have authority over the processes to approve such research. The bill also requires the chancellor to consult with faculty when approving those processes.

A UW System administrative policy relating to the publication of sponsored research currently limits classified research:

No agreement shall be entered into with any extramural sponsor which prohibits the right of a University employe to publish the results of the project. The University and its employes have an obligation to assure that project results are made known to the general public.

PROFS has been actively involved in conversations about AB 729, meeting with several legislators and industry leaders to discuss the proposal as it was developed. Others in the community have also indicated their support.

Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technology Council and the Wisconsin Innovation Network, wrote in favor of the bill in yesterday’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Still cites increased research and development funding and partnerships and the expansion of the cybersecurity industry in the state as strong reasons to support the bill.

A public hearing on the bill will be held at 11:05 am today, February 10, in Room 417 North of the State Capitol. PROFS is registered in favor of the bill.

ETA: Livestream coverage of the hearing is available on WisconsinEye.


Legislative Update

Tax Cuts
Governor Scott Walker announced a tax cut proposal at his State of the State address last month. He plans to utilize part of a $912 million budget surplus to lower state income and property taxes. The plan includes:

  • A property tax cut of about $131 on a $150,000 home, Wisconsin’s median home value
  • An income tax cut of $44 to $58 for each tax filer
  • A change in tax policy that would result in the state no longer withholding more income taxes than actually owed, resulting in about $58 more per month per family

The governor’s plan adds $100 million to the state’s rainy day fund, but raises the structural deficit by about $100 million to $725 million at the end of the biennium. Assembly Republicans have indicated strong support for the plan, while Democrats and Senate Republicans have expressed concern.

The legislature is in special session to consider the proposal.

Shared Governance
PROFS continues to lobby to preserve shared governance as described in Chapter 36 of state statutes and UW System Regent policies. Key legislators said they would like to see changes in university governance at a Regent meeting last fall.

Fall Elections
State Senator Dale Schultz (R-Richland Center) announced he will not seek re-election in November. Schultz has been at odds with his Republican Senate colleagues and faced a Republican primary opponent in August.

State Senator Kathleen Vinehout announced last month she will not challenge former Trek executive and Commerce Secretary Mary Burke for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.

Wisconsin Retirement System
The State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB) announced last month the two funds it manages for the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) posted strong gains in 2013, allowing for the first pay increase in five years for annuitants.

PROFS is currently monitoring two bills affecting WRS:

  • Assembly Bill 470 would increase the minimum retirement age by two years. If passed, it would apply to workers 40 and younger.
  • Assembly Bill 471 would calculate benefits based on the five highest earnings periods, a change from the current three-year formula.

Both bills are in committee awaiting a public hearing.

UW System
The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents appointed UW Colleges and UW Extension Chancellor Raymond Cross next president of the University of Wisconsin System. Cross succeeds Kevin Reilly who stepped down in December to take a position with the American Council on Education. UW-Extension Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor Aaron Brower was named Interim Chancellor of UW Colleges and Extension.

Several campuses are in the process of searching for new chancellors – UW-Green Bay, UW-Stout, UW-Oshkosh, and UW-Colleges and Extension.

Raymond Cross Named UW System President

The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents appointed UW Colleges and UW Extension Chancellor Raymond Cross next president of the University of Wisconsin System. Cross succeeds Kevin Reilly who stepped down in December to take a position with the American Council on Education. UW-Whitewater Chancellor Richard Telfer will serve until Cross takes office in mid-February.



Cross arrived at UW System three years ago and was the only internal candidate among three finalists and his appointment was praised by legislators from both sides of the aisle:

“I trust Ray Cross and believe he offers the right leadership at a critical time in the history of the UW System. While we won’t agree on every issue, I know that he will be a man of his word and will always prioritize the best interest of Wisconsin families.” — State Representative Steve Nass, R-Whitewater

“I’ve been very impressed with Chancellor Cross’s support for quality higher education and his ability to be an effective communicator. He understands the unique strengths and needs of our 26 statewide UW campuses and Extension programs. As a trusted leader with a wealth of experience, I have every confidence that Chancellor Cross’s leadership will serve our UW System well and strengthen our state’s reputation as a global leader in higher education.” — State Senator Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse

Cross will appear at a 9 am news conference tomorrow, Friday, January 10 at UW-Milwaukee. Livestream video will be available here.


UW System President Finalists Named; Future Changes to Search Process?

uw system logoUW System Board of Regents President Michael Falbo  announced three finalists for president’s position today:

  • Raymond C. Cross, Chancellor, UW System Colleges and UW-Extension
  • Peter H. Garland, Executive Vice Chancellor /Chief Operating Office, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education
  • Robert L. King, President, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

These finalists will be interviewed by the Regent selection committee on Monday, January 6. The committee, chaired by Falbo and comprised of Regents John Behling, Margaret Farrow, Tracy Hribar, Edmund Manydeeds, and Gerald Whitburn, will meet Tuesday, January 7 and recommend one candidate who must then be approved by the full Board of Regents on Thursday, January 9.

Faculty, staff, students, and the public will have the opportunity to interact with the candidates during statewide video conferences on Monday, January 6. Information on these events is here.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos recently told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the open search process kept at least one interested candidate from applying for the president’s position and he is considering a proposal that would allow for secret searches when hiring future UW leaders:

“I’m a big believer in transparency. I want to have as transparent a process as possible. But I don’t want the process to result in candidates who are second or third tier — and we all know who they are — as opposed to getting top-tier candidates.”

Current state law requires the public announcement of finalists for UW System president and UW System chancellor positions.

Regent and former State Senator Margaret Farrow said she knew of at least one qualified candidate who declined to apply because he or she did not want to be publicly named if named a finalist. Farrow also said she was hoping non-traditional candidates would apply for the president’s position. She noted that UW System is “a big business with a strong link to the academic world.”

Wisconsin’s tradition of open searches has become more rare among institutions of public higher education. Nancy Zimpher, Chancellor of the State University of New York System, told attendees at a PROFS forum last year that open searches can keep many top-quality candidates from applying for chancellor positions.

Closed searches have traditionally been opposed by faculty, staff, and students and proponents of open government. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board opposes Vos’s proposal, writing that they are “concerned that pulling down the blinds on the process is overkill. There is little evidence that UW isn’t attracting top candidates for its open positions.”

ETA: Correct date of videoconferences

UW System President Search Committee Update

uw system logoThe University of Wisconsin System President search and screen committee met yesterday and is meeting again today, December 19 and 20, to discuss candidates to replace outgoing President Kevin Reilly.

PROFS Steering Committee member Sue Babcock is the only UW-Madison faculty member on the committee, which is comprised of regents, former regents, and UW System faculty, staff, and students.

The committee will narrow its selection to five or more candidates and forward those names to the UW System Regent selection committee later today. Names of the finalists are expected to be released January 2.

December Regent Meeting

uw system logoThe University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents will meet in Madison Thursday and Friday, December 5 and 6.

Regent committees will meet Thursday morning and Governor Scott Walker will address the full board Thursday afternoon. Outgoing UW System President Kevin Reilly will address the board one last time Friday morning.

Education Committee: The committee will consider a request from UW-Platteville to reorganize its Department of Business and Accounting into a School of Business and discuss the UW-Madison’s School of Medicine and Public Health Wisconsin Partnership Program.

UW System Senior Vice President Mark Nook will also deliver a report on faculty workload, quality of education and compensation (no materials provided).

Business and Finance Committee: The committee hear reports on recent faculty turnover and salary adjustment plans that address inequity and competitive factors. About one-third of faculty and staff at UW-Madison received this type of salary increase over the past two years.

The committee will also discuss the UW System proposal for the distribution of tuition and fee revenue and and state general purpose revenue. The legislature directed UW System to develop a plan after the controversy over budget reserves erupted last spring.

Research, Economic Development, and Innovation Committee: The committee will hear an update on the Incentive Grant Program, the distribution of $22.5 million in grants throughout UW System.

The UW System President search and screen committee will meet in closed session Friday afternoon interview semi-finalist candidates. PROFS Steering Committee member Sue Babcock represents UW-Madison on the committee.