UW System Budget Cuts Discussed on NPR’s Morning Edition

Governor Scott Walker’s proposed $300 million budget cut to UW System was a featured topic on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition today.

Click the link below to play. A transcript of the story is here.




Walker to Deliver Budget Address Tonight

Governor Scott Walker will introduce his 2015-17 biennial budget at 7 pm tonight. WisconsinEye, Wisconsin Public Radio, and Wisconsin Public Television will stream audio and video of the address.

The governor announced last week his budget will include a record $300 million cut to UW System and $1.3 billion in borrowing for transportation, but additional details are scant.

The Faculty Senate voted unanimously yesterday to support a resolution opposed to the funding cuts. A position on possible management flexibilities was not taken as those details will not be released until tonight.

PROFS will lobby hard in the coming weeks to reduce the size of the cut to UW System. The state faces a projected $2.2 billion shortfall in the biennial budget if state agency requests are fully funded, forcing legislators to decide how to prioritize budget requests. The first public hearings on the budget are expected next month, while the entire process is likely to continue through June.

Response to Governor Walker’s Call for Faculty to Teach More

Governor Scott Walker suggested yesterday that University of Wisconsin System faculty could teach more in an effort to offset his proposed $300 million budget cut.

Walker’s comments, which also implied shared governance and faculty participation in decision-making have hindered cost-effectiveness, were made to Milwaukee radio host Charlie Sykes. Remarks about UW System begin at 12 minutes.



Response from UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank and UW System President Ray Cross was swift. Cross told Wisconsin Public Radio host Joy Cardin that faculty work on average 50-60 hours per week (18 minutes):



Chancellor Blank said that teaching is just part of the work faculty perform for the benefit of the state:

“Teaching is a core mission of the university and taxpayers should expect that faculty are spending time in the classroom. But we know that our faculty are working on behalf of the state in research, outreach and fundraising, among other capacities.”

PROFS President Grant Petty told the Wisconsin State Journal a professor’s job is much more than time spent in the classroom, likening it to the work of clergy:

“As Governor Walker knows from his own family background, a pastor’s job doesn’t start and stop with the Sunday sermon. The same is true of university professors and the classroom.”

Petty also noted that faculty are responsible for more than just undergraduate education, including graduate student teaching and advising, research and publication, continuing education, and outreach:

“I was not able to tell from the governor’s statement which of these things he thought we should do less of to make room for more of something else.”


Walker to Propose $300 Million Cut, Additional Flexibilities for UW System

Governor Scott Walker announced today that he will offer the University of Wisconsin System full management flexibilities through public authority status as part of the 2015-17 biennial budget. At the same time, however, UW System’s budget will be reduced by $300 million over two years. Details of the plan are embedded below.

PROFS is deeply concerned about the magnitude of the proposed budget cut to UW System. PROFS President Grant Petty offered this statement:

While the governor is offering long sought-after management flexibilities, the budget cut coupled with a two-year extension of the current tuition freeze would result in serious harm to the institution.

The governor’s plan, along with a base budget cut implemented 2 years ago, will likely result in an $83 million annual cut to UW-Madison. A cut this large will result in fewer faculty and staff and have a direct impact on students and the quality of their education. Access to courses, advising, and time-to-degree could all be affected.

PROFS will continue to work with Chancellor Blank, President Ray Cross and shared governance leaders as we advocate for appropriate funding levels for the university.

Petty’s remarks echo those of UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank, who offered her thoughts on her blog, Blank’s Slate.

UW System issued statements from UW System President Ray Cross, Regent President Michael Falbo, and Regent Vice-President Regina Millner.

UW System also provided more details of the plan:

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Governor Walker will introduce his budget on February 3.

Budget Cuts and Public Authority for UW System

Much has appeared in the media recently about possible public authority status for UW System. Little is known about the proposal, and Governor Scott Walker has not confirmed he will include it when he introduces his 2015-17 biennial budget next week.

PROFS president Grant Petty told Capital Times reporter Pat Schneider that additional budget cuts, even when coupled with additional administrative flexibilities, could seriously harm UW-Madison:

“UW-Madison has already had to absorb painful reductions in state support over the past ten years. There is no fat left in the budget . . . any additional funding reductions, no matter how small, would cut into that mission. The future worth of a degree from UW-Madison would be affected, as would the university’s continued ability to attract talented teachers and literally billions of dollars in direct and indirect economic benefits to the state of Wisconsin.”

Additional articles on the UW System and the 2015-17 biennial budget:

Speculation of big Scott Walker budget cut has UW-Milwaukee fearing worst (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 1/23/15)

UW Could Face $300 Million Revenue Loss, Changes to Tenure, Shared Governance (Media Milwaukee, 1/23/15)

Walker acknowledges considering more autonomy for UW System (Wisconsin State Journal, 1/20/15)

Governor Walker says he is considering more autonomy for the UW System (Wisconsin Public Radio, 1/20/15)

Tom Still: Coming debate over UW funding, structure deserves public attention (Wisconsin State Journal, 1/25/15)

Expect more students from outstate and abroad if expected state funding cuts come to UW (Wisconsin State Journal, 1/25/15)

UW System could see changes after next state budget (Channel 3000, 1/22/15)

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos supports more flexibility for UW System (Wisconsin State Journal, 1/23/15)