Category: UW

Finance Committee Compromises on Rehired Annuitants

Members of the Joint Finance Committee voted along party lines today to make it more difficult to return to state employment as an annuitant in the Wisconsin Retirement System. The committee voted 12-4 to increase the separation period between retirement…

Walker: Tuition Freeze & Lapse Reinstatement for UW System

Governor Scott Walker announced his revised budget recommendation for UW System yesterday in a letter to the co-chairs of the Joint Finance Committee. The letter, from Department of Administration Secretary Mike Huebsch, does not mince words: “. . . UW…

State Building Commission Delays Vote on UW Projects

The State Building Commission decided yesterday to delay a vote on all but one University of Wisconsin building projects. A list of UW items on the April agenda is here. Projects previously approved, including funding for the Babcock Hall Dairy…

Governor Walker Says He Will Make Changes to UW Budget

Governor Scott Walker said yesterday that he intends to make changes to his 2013-15 biennial budget recommendation for the University of Wisconsin System. Details are expected in the next seven to ten days. The governor’s original budget proposal for UW…

PolitiFact on UW System’s “Reserves”

Leaders of the University of Wisconsin System have faced a firestorm of criticism since the Legislative Fiscal Bureau reported last Friday that System holds more than $1 billion in financial reserves. The report found that UW System had a cash balance of…

Joint Committee on Employment Relations to Discuss UW-Madison’s HR Plan

The Legislature’s Joint Committee on Employment Relations (JCOER) will meet today at 10 am to discuss UW-Madison’s new personnel system. Discussion of UW System’s proposed personnel system is also on the agenda. The legislature directed UW-Madison and UW Syste to develop…