Category: UW System

Governor Walker: Tie UW Funding to Performance Outcomes

Speaking to a sold-out audience at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library last Friday, Governor Scott Walker outlined an ambitious agenda that includes major tax cuts, the elimination of same-day voter registration, and tying increased funding for education (K-12,…

Knowledge Powers Wisconsin

UW System unveiled its new branding strategy, “Knowledge Powers Wisconsin,” at last week’s Board of Regents meeting. The campaign focuses on the role UW System plays in economic development throughout the state but allows each campus to retain its own…

Regents to Meet Thursday, November 8

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents will meet in a regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, November 8. The full meeting will include a morning presentation on higher education and economic prosperity by guest speakers Anthony Carnevale and Rebekah…

Should States Be Pressured Into Investing in Higher Education?

Todd Finkelmeyer recently wrapped up his reporting career at The Capital Times to begin a new position as communications director UW-Madison’s School of Education. PROFS always found his reporting on higher education to be detailed and fair and he contributed…

October Regent Meeting

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents met at UW-Stout last week. Oversight of athletics and enrollment management were among the topics discussed at the two-day meeting. Athletic Oversight The regents are considering implementing new reporting processes that would…

UW System Biennial Budget Request Released

The University of Wisconsin System submitted its 2013-15 biennial budget request to the state’s Department of Administration Monday. The request was a formality — the Board of Regents voted in support of the request at its August meeting. UW System President…

Grant Petty: The Value of Supporting Our Public Universities

Atmospheric Science Professor Grant Petty offered his view on public higher education in the August 31 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Petty is a member of the PROFS Steering Committee, the PROFS Board of Directors, and the University Committee. The entire column…

Legislative Update

A recap of PROFS’ recent activities: The Special Task Force on UW Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities concluded its work in June and released its recommendations in August. The committee heard from Professor Brad Barham, chair of the University Committee, at…

Board of Regents Approve Budget Request

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents met in Madison last week in a regularly scheduled two-day meeting. Audio and video from the meeting is available here. The Regents discussed UW System’s annual accountability reports and the 2013 biennial budget…

Two Views on UW Flexibility

Today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel offers two editorials about granting UW System increased management flexibilities. First, the Journal Sentinel’s editorial board argues that UW campuses deserve more autonomy and should be given more control over their finances and building projects: The…