Category: PROFS
PROFS Statement on UW System Presidential Search
PROFS Welcomes Michael Bernard-Donals as President
PROFS welcomes English Professor Michael Bernard-Donals as president and extends deep gratitude to Kinesiology Professor Dorothy Farrar Edwards for her service as president for the past three years. Farrar Edwards remains a member of the steering committee.
Bernard-Donals is returning to the faculty after serving as Assistant Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff for the past six years. He has served as a member of the PROFS Steering Committee since 2014. He was also a member of the University Committee from 2011-14 and served as its chair in 2013-14.
May Legislative Update
April Legislative Update
PROFS Lobbying on UW Extension Legislation
PROFS continues to lobby on two bills that relate to UW Extension. While the regular session of the legislature ended today, a special session could be called later this spring.
March Legislative Update
This legislative update was distributed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Faculty Senate meeting today. The senate meets the first Monday of every month at 3:30 pm during the academic year, October through May, except in January. This semester, the senate will meet in Room B10 Ingraham Hall.
PROFS Testimony in Favor of Senate Bill 563
This afternoon, PROFS board member and Soil Science Professor Steve Ventura delivered testimony to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Revenue and Financial Institutions in favor of Senate Bill 563, legislation that would provide $1 million per year during the current biennium for extension services in applied agricultural research. PROFS is registered in favor of this bill.
His testimony is below:
PROFS Annual Report
PROFS President Dorothy Farrar Edwards presented the PROFS Annual Report for 2018-19 at the Faculty Senate yesterday (below). The report outlines the governance structure of PROFS and describes the legislative and outreach efforts undertaken last year.
February Legislative Update
This legislative update was distributed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Faculty Senate meeting today. The senate meets the first Monday of every month at 3:30 pm during the academic year, October through May, except in January. This semester, the senate will meet in Room B10 Ingraham Hall.
Useful links:
- AB 444/SB 403, Campus Speech Bills
- PROFS statement on campus speech legislation
- AB 627/SB 563, Extension Funding
- AB 556/SB 497, Extension Hours
- PROFS letter to UW System Board of Regents