Note: We have been informed that this letter will run in the Friday, February 25 newspaper
To the editors of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
We read with concern your article yesterday “Faculty, alumni group divide on splitting UW”. That headline makes a serious claim not backed up in the article itself: The piece shows no actual disagreement between faculty and the Alumni Association regarding ‘flexibilities’ or collective bargaining, the two issues discussed. To the first, our University Committee and our deans (in ads in both Madison student papers on Friday) have repeatedly endorsed efforts to achieve budget flexibilities for UW–Madison, Chancellor Biddy Martin’s stated goal. Neither group has yet taken a public stand on possible separation from the System. To the second, the article suggests that the difference lies in our faculty’s support for collective bargaining, implying that the chancellor and WAA do not. Chancellor Martin is on record as supporting ‘creative thinking’ on this topic. We ask that the record be set straight.
Judith Burstyn, Chair of the Board of Directors, Public Representation Organization of the Faculty Senate, UW–Madison
Joseph Salmons, President, Public Representation Organization of the Faculty Senate, UW–Madison
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