The Special Task Force on UW Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities will meet Wednesday, May 9 to hear from faculty, staff, and students from UW System two-year, comprehensive, and doctoral campuses. The meeting will be held from 9 am to 4:30 pm in Room 412 East of the State Capitol, with faculty scheduled to speak between 9:45 and 10:25 am.
UW-Madison will be represented by professor Brad Barham, chair of the University Committee; Heather Daniels, chair of the Academic Staff Executive Committee; Olivia Wick-Bander, Associated Students of Madison and United Council of UW Students member; and Mary Czynszak-Lyne, University Services program assistant. A full list of those testifying is here.
The task force will use its time in the afternoon to discuss and possibly offer recommendations on the following subjects:
- Institutional advisory and governing boards, Legislative Fiscal Bureau Discussion Paper (Revised)
- Articulation and credit transfer, Legislative Fiscal Bureau Discussion Paper
- Required reports, Legislative Fiscal Bureau Memo
The task force also requested Legislative Council provide information on what statutory changes would be necessary to create a private foundation that could offer retention payments to chancellors from UW System. Legislative Council found that creation of such a foundation would likely be in violation of state statutes. The statutes would have to be amended by the legislature in order to allow such retention payments. The full memo is here.
The task force is scheduled to conclude its work on June 6, but may schedule more meetings if necessary.
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