The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater will host the UW System Board of Regents today and tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, September 10 and 11. All meetings take place in the James R. Connor University Center, 228 Wyman Mall.
Regent committees meet Thursday morning, while the full board meets Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Livestream coverage of the full board meeting is available here.
The Education Committee will discuss possible changes to the mission statement of UW-Extension that would allow UW-Extension to award credit-bearing certificates, associate’s and bachelor’s degrees in business and management. The request and supporting materials are here:
The Business and Finance Committee, Capital Planning and Budget Committee, Research, Economic Development, and Innovation Committee, and Audit Committee also meet Thursday morning.
The full board will discuss a new accountability dashboard Thursday afternoon. The dashboard allows users to view accountability measures for UW System and individual campuses on the following topics:
- Access (enrollment)
- Progress & Completion (graduation and retention rates)
- Cost & Efficiency (time to degree)
- Undergraduate Experience
- Faculty & Staff (workload, turnover)
- Economic Development (research funding, STEM degrees)
The full board continues its meeting Friday. Items of note on the agenda:
Updates from Board President Regina Millner on the Tenure Policy and Tuition-setting Policy Task Forces and a discussion of recent legislation on research involving fetal tissue. A resolution on fetal tissue legislation is possible.
Chancellor Cathy Sandeen will discuss budget reductions at UW Colleges and provide an update on the Flex Option degree program.