Chancellor Biddy Martin recently met with Neil Heinen, Editorial Director at WISC-TV and Madison Magazine, to discuss the Badger Partnership. The extensive interview outlines the proposal to ask the state for greater flexibility with regard to four key areas — faculty hiring and compensation, tuition and financial aid, procurement, and building projects.
Heinen recently wrote in support of the proposal in December’s Madison Magazine.
“Madison must aspire to being a global city. It must share that aspiration with the greater region in which it is the center and the larger Midwest region in which it also is the center, thanks to Tom Still’s IQ Corridor. It means still greater autonomy for the UW. It means divorcing the UW further from the useless meddling of the state legislature and much closer ties with the business community and business organizations, including economic development entities. And it means leveraging those collaborative relationships to ensure the realization of critical economic growth infrastructure like integrated multi-modal transportation systems, and unrestricted scientific research on long-term health advances and disease eradication without the shortsighted pandering of politicians seeking money and the self-reflective praise of talk radio.”