PROFS Urges JCOER to Approve State Employee Pay Plan

The 2023-25 state budget signed into law by Governor Tony Evers on July 5 included funding for pay increases for state employees, including UW-Madison faculty and staff — a 4% pay increase effective July 1, 2023 and a 2% pay increase on July 1, 2024.

The Joint Committee on Employment Relations must approve the pay play for the raises to take effect. Our letter urging the co-chairs to schedule a committee meeting to approve the plan as soon as possible is below:

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June Board of Regents Meeting

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents will meet at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee on Thursday and Friday, June 8 and 9. The meeting will be held at the Helene Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts, 2419 E. Kenwood Boulevard. Registration to view the meeting remotely is here.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Regents will present the Regents Business Partnership Award to WEC Energy Group. UWM Chancellor Mark Mone will host the Regents at a reception following the award presentation.

The Regents will meet in committee Thursday morning:

  • The Audit Committee will hear the 2022-23 NCAA Division I Athletics report, consider approval of the FY24 Audit Plan and FY24 Annual Plan for the Office of Compliance and Risk Management, and hear from UWM on the culture and community of compliance.
  • The Capital Planning and Budget Committee will consider a lease agreement for the UW-Madison College of Engineering and a transfer of greenhouse ownership agreement at UW-Madison’s Arlington Research Station, and hear several updates, including one from UWM on capital planning and progress.
  • The Budget & Finance Committee will hear several reports and consider approval of an application fee increase for UW-Madison undergraduates, a reduction in segregated fees at UW-Madison and UW-Oshkosh, and various agreements.
  • The Education Committee will consider approval of the annual request from the Vilas Trust Fund to UW-Madison and UWM and several new degree programs, including three at UW-Madison. The committee will also hear the 2023 Annual Report of Faculty Promotions.

The full board will meet in closed session Thursday afternoon before attending a reception at the James and Yvonne Ziemer Nursing Simulation Center. On Friday, the Regents may meet in an optional closed session.