Category: UW

Gubernatorial Candidates Silent on Higher Education

Todd Finkelmeyer of The Capital Times has a great article about how little higher education has been discussed in the current gubernatorial recall campaigns. Finkelmeyer spoke to several UW-Madison faculty members including PROFS President Bill Tracy. Tracy argues that regardless…

edUtopia Wisconsin

Students in Journalism and Mass Communication professor Sue Robinson’s Journalism 335 class recently launched edUtopia, a multi-media website that showcases their semester-long research on public education in Wisconsin. Four areas of K-12 and higher education are highlighted — Education Costs,…

The Importance of Competitive Compensation

At its core, a great university is successful because of people. Educators who inspire and challenge their students. Researchers doing cutting-edge projects that attract outside funding and drive our state’s economy. Academics committed to improving the lives of the people…

UW-Madison State Relations Website

While PROFS is the legislative advocacy arm of the Faculty Senate and represents the interests of the faculty, the university is represented by UW-Madison’s Office of State Relations. Don Nelson, director of the office, recently announced an updated state relations…

Legislative Task Force on UW Restructuring to Meet Wednesday

The Special Task Force on UW Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities will meet Wednesday, April 11 The meeting will be held from 9 am to 12:30 pm in Room 412 East of the State Capitol. The meeting will focus on three areas — the…

UW-Madison Research Expenditures Rank Third in Nation

The University of Wisconsin-Madison continues to rank third in the nation among research institutions, according to statistics from the National Science Foundation. The university spent $1.03 billion on research  in 2010, behind Johns Hopkins University ($2 billion) and the University…

Legislative Update

The 2011-12 regular legislative session ended March 16, drawing to a close one of the most divisive and contentious sessions in recent memory. Many of the bills that PROFS monitored and lobbied on were not acted upon, effectively killing the…

PROFS Lobbies in Washington, DC

Professor Bill Tracy, president of PROFS, and Jack O’Meara, legislative representative for PROFS, recently traveled to Washington, D.C. to lobby on behalf of UW-Madison faculty. They met with representatives from Wisconsin’s entire congressional delegation and had meetings with Senator Herb…

Regents Discuss Financial Aid

The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents met in Madison last Thursday in a regular meeting. The regents discussed the development of new personnel systems and financial aid. Wisconsin Act 32, the 2011-13 biennial budget, requires that UW-Madison and UW…