Category: UW System

Lapse Cuts As Expected

The Department of Administration announced last week its plan for a $174.3 million budget lapse over the current 2011-13 biennium. $123.2 million must be cut from FY 2011-12, with the remainder coming in FY 2012-13. It was announced in October…

2011 Legislative Review

2011 has been an historic year for both the state of Wisconsin and UW-Madison. The year began with massive change in the statehouse, continued with a proposal that had the potential to split UW-Madison from UW System, and concludes with…

Governor Walker Signs Bill Requiring Geographic Representation on the Board of Regents

Senate Bill 28, which requires geographic representation on the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, was signed into law by Governor Scott Walker yesterday. The legislation adds the following language to Chapter 15.91 of the Wisconsin Statutes: “At least one…

Senate Higher Education Committee Scheduled to Confirm Regent Appointees

The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, and Higher Education will meet at 2:30 pm on Thursday, December 8. The committee, chaired by Senator Dale Schultz (R-Richland Center) will consider Governor Scott Walker’s first appointments to the University of Wisconsin System…

Additional Response to State Budget Lapse

Opposition to the proposed additional $65.8 million cut to UW System continues to grow. Many chancellors spoke against the cut at an information hearing of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, and Higher Education on Tuesday, November 15, citing that…

November Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate met last week, and PROFS was pleased to present its 2010-11 annual report. Bill Tracy, president of PROFS, told the senate that PROFS had a very active year, taking the lead on several legislative issues. The senate…

State Senate to Hold Informational Hearing on UW System

The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, and Higher Education will hold an informational hearing today on UW System and the Wisconsin Idea. The hearing will begin at 2 pm in the GAR Memorial Hearing Room of the State Capitol. Invited…