Category: The state

System Report: UW Compensation Must Improve

An article written by Ryan Foley of the Associated Press yesterday revealed details from a report mentioned in yesterday’s post. According to the report, salaries for UW System faculty and academic staff have fallen far below their peers and must…

Looking Ahead

With the semester coming to a close, PROFS is looking ahead to the fall. Most notably, the upcoming gubernatorial election. Right now, three major candidates are in the race — Scott Walker and Mark Neumann are running as Republicans, and…

2010 Legislative Council Interim Study Committees

Later this week, ballot results will be announced for the 2010 Joint Legislative Council Special Committees. Sixteen committees have been recommended and will be reviewed by the full Legislative Council. Special committees are requested by members of the Legislature and…

Changes in the Legislature

Earlier this week, State Representative Mary Hubler (D-Rice Lake) announced she would not run for re-election in the fall. She’s the fifth-longest serving member of the Assembly, having served 26 years. Hubler is the fifth Democrat who will leave the…