How will we pay for public higher education in Wisconsin and at UW–Madison in the years to come? This will be the topic of a public forum later this month on the UW–Madison campus.
PROFS, the Public Representation Organization of the Faculty Senate, is partnering with CAPE, the Coalition for Affordable Public Education, and UFAS, United Faculty and Academic Staff, to sponsor the forum.
The event, first in a planned series, is open to the public, and will be held Tuesday, February 23, 4:00–5:30 pm at the Memorial Union (check TITU for room location).
Panelists will be Kevin Reilly, President of the University of Wisconsin System; Andrew Reschovsky, professor at the La Follette School of Public Affairs; and Noel Radomski, director of the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE).
Financing of higher education has changed significantly over the past several decades. Shrinking state support and sharply increased costs have forced campuses to chart new courses for survival. Are our only alternatives hyper-inflationary tuition increases and bigger classes?
“The financing of public higher education has changed dramatically and continues to change. How great universities – UW-Madison, in particular – continue to respond to those changes is among the most important issues we face on campus and nationally,” says Joe Salmons, president of PROFS. “This forum will launch an important conversation for faculty, the university community and our state.”
For additional information, contact PROFS at 608- 263-9273 or by emailing Michelle Felber, Jack O’Meara or Joe Salmons.
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