Outgoing University of Wisconsin System President Kevin Reilly sat down with Steven Walters of WisconsinEye yesterday to discuss his time as leader of the 26 campus system.
Reilly discusses the potential separation of UW-Madison from UW System, calling it a civil war. He also talks about the controversy over financial reserves and the challenge of continued budget cuts to UW System from a increasingly partisan legislature. Video of the interview is here.
Reilly announced Tuesday he would step down as president of UW System by the end of the year to serve as an advisor to the American Council on Education. Michael Falbo, president of the Board of Regents, said he hopes to name a new UW System president by spring 2014. Search and screen and selection committee have not been named.
The search and screen committee that recommended Reilly in 2004 was chaired by then-Regent David Walsh and included 17 other members. Members included students, faculty and staff from UW System institutions and former regents. Three members had ties to UW-Madison. Six regents served as members of the UW System Regent Selection Committee, which was co-chaired by the Regent president and past-president.