State Budget 101

PROFS, along with several other cosponsors, will host a state budget roundtable on Thursday, February 10 at 4 pm in the Wisconsin Idea Room in the Education Building. The forum will feature several experts on the state budget process —…

Budget Update

Governor Scott Walker announced last week that he will deliver his State of the State address on Tuesday, February 1. While Walker’s speech will probably not give a full set of specifics, it should offer some clues to the budget…

Scott Walker Takes Office

Governor Scott Walker took office yesterday and wasted little time calling a special session of the Legislature to address job creation. He also authorized Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen to join other state’s in a lawsuit challenging federal health care…

Public Employee Pay

One of the political memes of the day is that public employees are better far paid than those working in the private sector. Like most memes, it’s worth looking at the underlying facts. An article in today’s New York Times…