UW System Board of Regents President Andrew Petersen and Vice President Michael Grebe recently replied to the letter PROFS sent outlining concerns about the lack of faculty, staff and students on the UW System President Search and Screen Committee. Their reply is here.
Tag: search committees
Faculty Senate Resolution on UW System President Search Committee
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Faculty Senate voted unanimously yesterday to pass a resolution (below) objecting to the composition of the Search and Screen Committee for the new UW System President. The resolution also called for the Board of Regents to add faculty, staff and students to the committee. Similar resolutions have passed at every comprehensive and doctoral campus within UW System.
Regent President Andrew Petersen named members of the search committee in early November, drawing criticism from governance groups and legislators. The letter PROFS sent to Petersen urging him to include governance groups on the committee is here.
December Legislative Update
This legislative update was distributed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Faculty Senate meeting today. The senate meets the first Monday of every month at 3:30 pm in Room 272 Bascom Hall during the academic year, October through May, except in January.
Assembly Democrats Urge Regent President to Add Governance Groups to Search Committee
Twenty-two Democratic members of the State Assembly sent a letter to Andrew Petersen, the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents President, last week urging him to add members to the Search and Screen Committee for the new President of UW System. The committee currently has no representation from faculty and staff and just one student, the non-traditional student Regent.
The letter-signers included every Madison area representative whose district is entirely or mostly in Dane County.
PROFS also contacted Petersen with serious concerns about the composition of the search committee. That letter is here.
PROFS Letter on Presidential Search Committee
PROFS sent the following letter to University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents President Andrew Petersen. PROFS is deeply concerned that the recently-named search committee does not include any faculty or staff members and urges Petersen to consider adding faculty and staff to the committee.