Category: UW System

Walker Names Three to Board of Regents

Governor Scott Walker announced three appointments to the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents last week. These are his first citizen appointments to the board, having appointed two student regents earlier in the year. Walker appointed Tim Higgins, Gary…

UW System Response to Budget Lapse

UW System President Kevin Reilly and chancellors from all UW System campuses, including Chancellor David Ward, offered an editorial in the October 28 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Reilly et al write that the cut to UW System is disproportionate and students…

More on the Proposed Budget Reduction for UW System

Last week, UW officials learned that the Department of Administration was advising state agencies, including the University of Wisconsin System, to prepare for a $174.3 million budget lapse — the return of money previously allocated in the 2011-13 state budget.…

UW System Faces Additional $66 Million Cut

UW System, already facing a $250 million cut over the next biennium, learned that it will likely have to absorb up to almost $66 million more in cuts in 2011-13. UW-Madison’s share of the cut would be $18.1 million in…

UW System Task Force Membership Complete

Governor Scott Walker announced his two appointments to the Special Task Force on UW Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities today. Walker’s nominees, UW-Madison Vice Chancellor for Administration Darrell Bazzell and UW System Senior Vice President Emeritus David Olien, are the final…

Senate Higher Education Committee to Meet Tuesday

The Wisconsin Senate Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Higher Education will meet on Tuesday, September 27 at 10 am in Room 201 Southeast of the Capitol. The committee will discuss Senate Bill 184 and the appointments of two students to…

Regents to Meet Thursday, September 8

The Board of Regents will meet on Thursday, September 8 to discuss the President’s Response to the President’s Advisory Committee on the Roles of UW System Administration. The report is a result of the 2011-13 state budget requirement that UW…

Board of Regents Meeting

The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents is meeting today and tomorrow in Madison to discuss the 2011-12 annual budget and a proposed 5.5 percent tuition increase for all 2- and 4-year campuses. Two-year campuses have not had an adjustment…

PROFS Lobbies for Changes to Budget Bill

PROFS is actively communicating with state legislators on two important issues in the state budget. The following statement was distributed to legislators today: PROFS:  State Budget Changes Needed to Keep UW-Madison Competitive As legislators consider provisions in the state budget…

WiscNet to Lose Funding Under Budget Proposal

Included in the budget bill that passed the Joint Finance Committee last Friday were several provisions affecting WiscNet, a non-profit association of more than 450 schools, libraries and units of government providing high-speed internet services to the state’s education and…