Tag: Regents

Regent Executive Committee to Meet to Discuss Creation of Employee Furlough Policies

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents Executive Committee will meet at 2:30 pm today to discuss granting UW System President Ray Cross and UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Black the authority to create policies and procedures relating to employee furloughs in response to the immense budget pressures due to COVID-19:

“The University of Wisconsin System is facing increased fiscal challenges as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. As a result, the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents, under the authority granted to the Board in Wis. Stats. s. 36.115, is being asked to modify Regent Policy Document 20-21 to authorize the UW System President and the UW-Madison Chancellor to create furlough policies. The furlough policies will provide options in addition to the other workforce reduction and cost saving measures, to address these financial challenges in a way that minimizes layoffs and maximizes the UW System’s ability to continue to perform its critical educational and outreach mission.”

The meeting will be webcast live here.

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April Board of Regents Meeting

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents will meet via teleconference at 9:15 am, Thursday, April 2. Originally scheduled as a two-day meeting, the board will forgo committee meetings and will meet in full board session instead. Livestream coverage of the meeting is here.

Some discussion items include updates on the impact of COVID-19, the UW-Green Bay and UW-Stevens Point Chancellor searches and the UW System President search. The committee will also consider approval of new degree programs, building projects, clinical trials and an update to UW System’s strategic framework. The board concludes with a closed session.

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February Board of Regents Meeting

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents will meet at UW-Madison Thursday and Friday, February 6 and 7. All meetings will be held at Union South, 1308 West Dayton Street as UW-Madison is the official host of the meeting. Livestream coverage of the full board portions of the meeting is available here. UW-Madison will welcome board members for a reception and facility visit at the George L. Mosse Humanities Building Wednesday evening.

Regents meeting in committee Thursday morning.

  • The Business and Finance Committee will hear several reports, including one from UW-Madison Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Laurent Heller. The committee will also discuss non-resident tuition increases at six campuses, several agreements and contracts, and changes to two Regent Policy Documents, including one that relates to Wisconsin Act 36 (Mark Cook Bill).
  • The Education Committee will hear several updates, including one from UW-Madison Provost Karl Scholz, and consider new degree programs at UW-Madison, UW-Platteville and UW-Whitewater.
  • The Audit Committee will hear several reports on topics including audit, internal controls, enterprise risk management, and compliance.
  • The Capital Planning and Budget Committee will discuss several UW-Madison building projects, including the proposed renovation and addition to Sellery Hall.
  • The Research, Economic Development and Innovation Committee will hear a report from UW-Madison Women in Science and Engineering and an update from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.

The full board meets at 1 pm Thursday. UW-Madison Chancellor Blank will address the board, discussing how the university is facing the rapidly changing world of higher education. Regents will move into closed session after a panel discussion on the state’s achievement/opportunity gap.

The Regents meet at 9 am Friday. They will hear reports from UW System President Ray Cross and Regent President Andrew Petersen and consider approval of committee action from Thursday. The UW-Madison Athletics Department will present its annual NCAA Division I report and the Board of Regents will present the 2020 Diversity Awards, including one to the UW-Madison Department of Chemistry.

February Legislative Update

This legislative update was distributed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Faculty Senate meeting today. The senate meets the first Monday of every month at 3:30 pm during the academic year, October through May, except in January. This semester, the senate will meet in Room B10 Ingraham Hall.

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Useful links:

UW System President Search Update

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents Presidential Search Committee met via conference call Friday, January 17 to discuss the UW System President job description and search timeline. Regent leaders previously indicated they would like to name a successor to UW System President Ray Cross sometime in May.

According to the Wisconsin State Journal, the committee agreed on language that does not require candidates to hold a doctoral or terminal degree, but instead have at least ten years experience in a “significant senior executive position” and an understanding of public higher education.

The committee also shared comments gathered online and during video listening sessions last month (below).

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UW System Presidential Search Update

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents recently announced a public comment website for faculty, staff, students and others to offer input on the UW System President search.

In correspondence with UW System employees, Regent Vice President Michael Grebe also announced two video listening sessions at 11 am and 3 pm on Thursday, December 19. Those interested can register here.

Grebe writes:

To frame and guide these engagements, I am including a set of questions that I ask you think about:

What are the key challenges and opportunities facing the UW System over the next five to ten years? What particular characteristics and attributes would help the successful candidate address these issues?

What specific role and specific priorities should we expect the new President to carry forward with respect to that future agenda?

What are the characteristics, skills, and experiences we should be seeking in the search for the new President? Which characteristics are required and which would be nice to have? Which are the most important or essential?

What are the top three to five attributes of the UW System that should be exciting to candidates? More generally, why should candidates be excited about coming to UW System?

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and insights. Thank you in advance for participating and helping the Committee drive towards a successful result.

PROFS has previously expressed serious concern about the composition of the search committee and finds a comment website and online listening session to be poor substitutes for appropriate faculty, staff and student participation. These are not examples of shared governance. We again ask the Board of Regents to do better.

Regent Response to PROFS Letter on President Search Committee

UW System Board of Regents President Andrew Petersen and Vice President Michael Grebe recently replied to the letter PROFS sent outlining concerns about the lack of faculty, staff and students on the UW System President Search and Screen Committee. Their reply is here.

December Board of Regents Meeting

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents will meet at UW-Whitewater Thursday and Friday, December 5 and 6. All meetings take place in the James R. Connor University Center, 228 Wyman Mall. Livestream coverage of the full board portions of the meeting is here.

Regents meet in committee Thursday morning:

The full board meets Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Thursday, UW System President Ray Cross and UW-Whitewater Chancellor Dwight Watson will speak before the board moves into closed session. Friday, the board will hear a report from Regent President Andrew Petersen, including updates on chancellor searches at UW-Green Bay and UW-Stout and the UW System president search.

Faculty Senate Resolution on UW System President Search Committee

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Faculty Senate voted unanimously yesterday to pass a resolution (below) objecting to the composition of the Search and Screen Committee for the new UW System President. The resolution also called for the Board of Regents to add faculty, staff and students to the committee. Similar resolutions have passed at every comprehensive and doctoral campus within UW System.

Regent President Andrew Petersen named members of the search committee in early November, drawing criticism from governance groups and legislators. The letter PROFS sent to Petersen urging him to include governance groups on the committee is here.

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Assembly Democrats Urge Regent President to Add Governance Groups to Search Committee

Twenty-two Democratic members of the State Assembly sent a letter to Andrew Petersen, the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents President, last week urging him to add members to the Search and Screen Committee for the new President of UW System. The committee currently has no representation from faculty and staff and just one student, the non-traditional student Regent.

The letter-signers included every Madison area representative whose district is entirely or mostly in Dane County.

PROFS also contacted Petersen with serious concerns about the composition of the search committee. That letter is here.

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