Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on UW-Madison’s Entrepreneurial Efforts

Kathleen Gallagher of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote about UW-Madison’s economic development efforts and the launch of Discovery to Product (D2P) yesterday.

The front page article noted that Chancellor Rebecca Blank has the opportunity to fill three high profile director positions — University Research Park, the Office of Corporate Relations and D2P are all hiring.

UW-Madison attracts more than $1 billion annually in research funding, ranking third among research universities in 2010. The university lags, however, when it comes to attracting research spending from business and commercializing research through partnerships with industry.

Today, the Journal Sentinel editorial board lauded the university’s efforts, D2P in particular:

Entrepreneurs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison soon will have a new advocate on campus that should boost the number of ideas that are commercialized, which we think should, in turn, give the state’s economy a boost over time.

Raymond Cross Named UW System President

The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents appointed UW Colleges and UW Extension Chancellor Raymond Cross next president of the University of Wisconsin System. Cross succeeds Kevin Reilly who stepped down in December to take a position with the American Council on Education. UW-Whitewater Chancellor Richard Telfer will serve until Cross takes office in mid-February.



Cross arrived at UW System three years ago and was the only internal candidate among three finalists and his appointment was praised by legislators from both sides of the aisle:

“I trust Ray Cross and believe he offers the right leadership at a critical time in the history of the UW System. While we won’t agree on every issue, I know that he will be a man of his word and will always prioritize the best interest of Wisconsin families.” — State Representative Steve Nass, R-Whitewater

“I’ve been very impressed with Chancellor Cross’s support for quality higher education and his ability to be an effective communicator. He understands the unique strengths and needs of our 26 statewide UW campuses and Extension programs. As a trusted leader with a wealth of experience, I have every confidence that Chancellor Cross’s leadership will serve our UW System well and strengthen our state’s reputation as a global leader in higher education.” — State Senator Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse

Cross will appear at a 9 am news conference tomorrow, Friday, January 10 at UW-Milwaukee. Livestream video will be available here.


Governor to Deliver State of the State January 22

Governor Scott Walker will deliver his fourth State of the State address at 7 pm on Wednesday, January 22. Walker, who is running for re-election in November, will likely outline his legislative priorities for the remainder of his term and may offer hints about his campaign against Democrat Mary Burke.

PROFS will post links to live video and audio streams of the speech when they become available.


Correction: UW System President Community Forums Today, Monday, January 6

The University of Wisconsin System will host public videoconferences with three finalists for UW System president today, Monday, January 6:

  • Robert L. King, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • Raymond W. Cross, 2:30 – 3:30 pm
  • Peter H. Garland, 3:45 – 4:45 pm

Faculty, staff, students, and members of the public may watch and participate in the open forums at locations on each UW System campus. UW-Madison is hosting two sites: Room 4500, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, 330 North Orchard Street, and Room L138, Education building, 1000 Campus Mall. UW-Extension is hosting a site in Room 523, UW-Extension building, 432 North Lake Street.

The finalists will also be interviewed by the Regent selection committee, chaired by Regent president Michael Falbo and comprised of Regents John Behling, Margaret Farrow, Tracy Hribar, Edmund Manydeeds, and Gerald Whitburn. The new president will be named on Thursday, January 9.

UW System President Finalists Named; Future Changes to Search Process?

uw system logoUW System Board of Regents President Michael Falbo  announced three finalists for president’s position today:

  • Raymond C. Cross, Chancellor, UW System Colleges and UW-Extension
  • Peter H. Garland, Executive Vice Chancellor /Chief Operating Office, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education
  • Robert L. King, President, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

These finalists will be interviewed by the Regent selection committee on Monday, January 6. The committee, chaired by Falbo and comprised of Regents John Behling, Margaret Farrow, Tracy Hribar, Edmund Manydeeds, and Gerald Whitburn, will meet Tuesday, January 7 and recommend one candidate who must then be approved by the full Board of Regents on Thursday, January 9.

Faculty, staff, students, and the public will have the opportunity to interact with the candidates during statewide video conferences on Monday, January 6. Information on these events is here.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos recently told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the open search process kept at least one interested candidate from applying for the president’s position and he is considering a proposal that would allow for secret searches when hiring future UW leaders:

“I’m a big believer in transparency. I want to have as transparent a process as possible. But I don’t want the process to result in candidates who are second or third tier — and we all know who they are — as opposed to getting top-tier candidates.”

Current state law requires the public announcement of finalists for UW System president and UW System chancellor positions.

Regent and former State Senator Margaret Farrow said she knew of at least one qualified candidate who declined to apply because he or she did not want to be publicly named if named a finalist. Farrow also said she was hoping non-traditional candidates would apply for the president’s position. She noted that UW System is “a big business with a strong link to the academic world.”

Wisconsin’s tradition of open searches has become more rare among institutions of public higher education. Nancy Zimpher, Chancellor of the State University of New York System, told attendees at a PROFS forum last year that open searches can keep many top-quality candidates from applying for chancellor positions.

Closed searches have traditionally been opposed by faculty, staff, and students and proponents of open government. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board opposes Vos’s proposal, writing that they are “concerned that pulling down the blinds on the process is overkill. There is little evidence that UW isn’t attracting top candidates for its open positions.”

ETA: Correct date of videoconferences

UW System President Search Committee Update

uw system logoThe University of Wisconsin System President search and screen committee met yesterday and is meeting again today, December 19 and 20, to discuss candidates to replace outgoing President Kevin Reilly.

PROFS Steering Committee member Sue Babcock is the only UW-Madison faculty member on the committee, which is comprised of regents, former regents, and UW System faculty, staff, and students.

The committee will narrow its selection to five or more candidates and forward those names to the UW System Regent selection committee later today. Names of the finalists are expected to be released January 2.