Category: UW

System Report: UW Compensation Must Improve

An article written by Ryan Foley of the Associated Press yesterday revealed details from a report mentioned in yesterday’s post. According to the report, salaries for UW System faculty and academic staff have fallen far below their peers and must…

Join PROFS and WAA at the Capitol

Wednesday, May 5 is UW System’s seventh annual Posters in the Rotunda event, and PROFS and the Wisconsin Alumni Association will join students in legislative visits. Appointments will be scheduled for both the morning and afternoon, and we encourage all…

Announcing: WISCAPE director’s blog

Shortly after our new web page was launched, we called attention to some sources of news on faculty issues at UW and for higher education generally. At that point, we noted that the  Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary…

New Data: Peer Pay Comparisons Based on This Year’s Numbers

Most of you probably saw the article in Sunday’s Wisconsin State Journal, along with some subsequent campus discussion like the Daily Cardinal editorial (see post below), detailing how our faculty salaries continue to lag behind our peers. UW System is…

Daily Cardinal on faculty pay

If you haven’t seen today’s Daily Cardinal, you should look at it — this article, “Power up professors’ paltry paychecks: UW should more actively solicit donations for professor salaries”, suggests refocusing spending from buildings to faculty salaries. PROFS and other…

ASM’s Affordable Textbook Campaign

Associated Students of Madison (ASM) is working to reduce textbook costs for students, helping making higher education more affordable. As we all know, and as Jonah Zinn from ASM underscored at the February Faculty Senate meeting, textbook costs have risen…

Materials from the forum on financing public higher education

With the permission of the presenters, we’re posting the slides from yesterday’s forum. As one presenter said afterwards, most of the slides may be cryptic to those who weren’t at the forum, but there’s a lot of information in there.…

Flyer for the forum on financing public higher education

The reaction to next week’s forum has been very positive and we’re getting requests for copies of the flyer for the event. The image below, a small jpeg version, can be downloaded here. We are already discussing future forums, building…

Staying on top of faculty issues at UW–Madison

One of the reasons, maybe the main reason, that PROFS decided to put this Faculty Forum at the literal and figurative center of its new website was simple: We sense that there’s a need for better lines of communication about…