Category: UW System

Faculty Senate: Discussion of the New Badger Partnership

Dear colleagues, Monday’s Faculty Senate meeting includes a ‘committee of the whole discussion’ of the New Badger Partnership (NBP). Many faculty members — beyond senators themselves — are planning to attend and we encourage you to prepare for this meeting…

First Look at the State Budget

Governor Scott Walker presented his 2011-13 biennial budget to a joint session of the legislature earlier today, and it offered few surprises. As expected, the proposal includes huge cuts to two of Wisconsin’s largest expenditures — K-12 education and aid…

Regent and Legislative Update

Board of Regents The Board of Regents gathered today in a special meeting to discuss the possible separation of UW-Madison from UW System. The Regents learned earlier this month that Governor Scott Walker intends to transform UW-Madison into a public…

New Badger Partnership Update

With Governor Scott Walker set to announce his 2011-2013 state budget next Tuesday (February 22), information has been leaking out about his proposals for UW-Madison. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting that Chancellor Martin met with Department of Administration Secretary…

State Journal Support of Badger Partnership

The Wisconsin State Journal offered strong support of the Badger Partnership in an editorial yesterday. The paper notes that UW-Madison draws more than $1 billion in research funding per year, adding high-paying jobs to the local economy. University Research Park…

Finkelmeyer Interview with Terry Hartle of ACE

Todd Finkelmeyer, higher education reporter at The Capital Times, published a very nice interview with Terry Hartle, a senior vice president at ACE, the American Council on Education. Hartle, who works with all sectors of higher education to provide a…

Regents to Consider 2 Percent Pay Plan

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents meets on Thursday and Friday this week, and a pay plan for faculty and staff at most campuses is on the agenda. System President Kevin Reilly announced yesterday that he intends to…

Nass Named Chair of Colleges & Universities Committee

As expected, Representative Stephen Nass (R-La Grange) was named chair of the Assembly Colleges and Universities Committee last week. Nass chaired the committee in 2007 and 2008, and has long been regarded as a vocal critic of UW-Madison. Todd Finkelmeyer…