Category: The state

Faculty Senate: Discussion of the New Badger Partnership

Dear colleagues, Monday’s Faculty Senate meeting includes a ‘committee of the whole discussion’ of the New Badger Partnership (NBP). Many faculty members — beyond senators themselves — are planning to attend and we encourage you to prepare for this meeting…

First Look at the State Budget

Governor Scott Walker presented his 2011-13 biennial budget to a joint session of the legislature earlier today, and it offered few surprises. As expected, the proposal includes huge cuts to two of Wisconsin’s largest expenditures — K-12 education and aid…

Details About 2011-13 Budget Emerge

While the 2011-13 state budget has not yet been introduced, some details have emerged. Notably, Walker intends to balance the $3.6 billion budget deficit without raising taxes or increasing fees. On Sunday, Walker appeared on UpFront with Mike Gousha and…

Budget Address Tuesday at 4 pm

Governor Scott Walker will deliver his 2011-13 biennial budget address to a joint session of the legislature on Tuesday, March 1 at 4 pm in the Assembly chambers. Video of the address will be streamed live on WisconsinEye.

Regent and Legislative Update

Board of Regents The Board of Regents gathered today in a special meeting to discuss the possible separation of UW-Madison from UW System. The Regents learned earlier this month that Governor Scott Walker intends to transform UW-Madison into a public…

La Follette School Budget Forum Today

The policy and budgetary implications of Wisconsin’s budget repair bill will be explored at a La Follette School of Public Affairs forum today, Friday, February 25, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in 114 Van Hise Hall. Public affairs professors…

New Badger Partnership Documents Released

In advance of Friday’s Board of Regents meeting, the Chancellor’s office has released two documents related to the possible separation of UW-Madison from UW System. One document summarizes how UW-Madison would become  public authority as part of Governor Scott Walker’s…

Law School Forum on Governor’s Budget Repair Bill

The Law School is sponsoring a forum to discuss Special Session Senate Bill 11, Governor Scott Walker’s budget repair bill. The forum will be held tomorrow (Wednesday, February 23) from 6 to 8 pm in Room 2260 of the Law…

Legislative Update

Budget Repair Bill The budget repair bill remains stalled in the Senate due to the absence of the 14 Democratic senators. The Senate is meeting today, but can only consider items without a financial implication. The Assembly is also in…

Reschovsky: Wisconsin Risks Losing Its Best Public Employees

Activities at the Capitol over the past week have captured the attention of the media around the world. Writing for CNN, PROFS Steering Committee member Andrew Reschovsky notes that Governor Walker’s plan could ultimately cause the best public sector employees…