Tag: UW System

Legislative Update

PROFS, a non-profit membership organization representing UW-Madison faculty, monitors legislation and lobbies the governor, members of the legislature, and members of Congress. We are proud of our past achievements. During the 2011-13 biennial budget process, PROFS led the successful fight…

Babcock Named to UW System President Search Committee

PROFS Steering Committee member Sue Babcock was named to the University of Wisconsin System President search and screen committee last week. Babcock, a materials science and engineering professor, will serve on the 18-member committee chaired by Regent Vice President Regina…

Chancellor Rebecca Blank Discusses Plans for UW-Madison

University of Wisconsin-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank met with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board last Thursday to discuss her plans for campus. Video from an interview with opinions editor David Haynes is here. Blank discussed a range of topics including…

Falbo: UW System Must be More Transparent; New President Could be From Outside Higher Education

Michael Falbo, President of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents, appeared on UpFront with Mike Gousha Sunday. Falbo discussed the controversy over UW System cash reserves and the upcoming departure of UW System President Kevin Reilly. Echoing Reilly’s…

Exit Interview with UW System President Kevin Reilly

Outgoing University of Wisconsin System President Kevin Reilly sat down with Steven Walters of WisconsinEye yesterday to discuss his time as leader of the 26 campus system. Reilly discusses the potential separation of UW-Madison from UW System, calling it a…

Governor Walker Says He Will Make Changes to UW Budget

Governor Scott Walker said yesterday that he intends to make changes to his 2013-15 biennial budget recommendation for the University of Wisconsin System. Details are expected in the next seven to ten days. The governor’s original budget proposal for UW…

2013 Budget Forum

A panel of three experts —  Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Darrell Bazzell, professor Andrew Reschovsky, and former State Budget Director David Schmiedicke — discussed the state budget and how it affects UW-Madison at a campus forum on Tuesday, March 12. Daily…

Joint Finance to Meet Next Week

The Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance will meet next week to hear briefings from agency heads on the 2013-15 state budget. The committee will begin hearings on Tuesday, March 19 and conclude on March 26. The University of Wisconsin System…

UW System Flexible Degree Program to Begin in Milwaukee Next Year

Governor Scott Walker and University of Wisconsin System President  Kevin Reilly provided more details about UW System’s Flexible Option degree program at a press conference in Milwaukee yesterday. The program was announced earlier this year, but with few details. Many…

Governor Walker: Tie UW Funding to Performance Outcomes

Speaking to a sold-out audience at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library last Friday, Governor Scott Walker outlined an ambitious agenda that includes major tax cuts, the elimination of same-day voter registration, and tying increased funding for education (K-12,…